Sunday, August 18, 2013

818-2013 Small Towns

Small towns are the best!

When I lived on the farm with my parents and brothers/sister the farm was/is located between two small towns.  One had a population of about 550 and the other had 65.  Today the populations are about 700 and 95.  This is rural central Missouri.

Saturday Glen rode one of the tractors and pulled a brush hog in a couple of pastures for brother-in-law Bruce.  Bruce was on another tractor with another brush hog.  

Jan and I on a 4-wheeler escorted Bruce, carrying a chain saw so Bruce could cut two or three felled in-the-last-stormy-week trees.  

Last night was the 'third Saturday' monthly "bean supper" at the Brumley Lions' Club.  It's a fund raiser....and the best place to see the neighbors...catch up on the latest of those who has water in the basement, or, is fixing water gaps...or, see a classmate that you haven't seen since high school.

If it is election year, then all of the candidates are there!

The menu at the "bean supper"?  Pinto beans that have simmered all day, cole slaw, corn bread, and homemade dessert, all you can eat for $5.  

Today was church, lunch at the local Mexican restaurant, then visit with Mom at the care center.  Jan and Bruce and Glen sang with a local church group for the residents.  

Our mom is getting more frail and fragile each time we see her.  Enough said.  It is sad to see one's parents get to this stage of life.

Tonight....I worked on Jan's computer.  I know, that is scary, isn't it.  Not that I know much, I don't, but I did maybe help a little bit.  My last advice is get the computer to a professional.  

Have a great week.  School in this area started last week.  Our daughter and her group start school tomorrow.  The end of summer is drawing near.  

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