Wednesday, August 28, 2013

8-28-2013 Day at Silver Dollar City, Branson, MO

Gary and Evelyn, Fred and Gay, Glen and I spent several hot hours at Silver Dollar City today.  We enjoyed the Southern Gospel groups/music.

We didn't stay for the six o'clock show in Echo Holler.  By then we were worn out, and there wasn't a leaf stirring.  No breeze.  We figured down in the holler it would be the hottest of all day.

There were huge lines for three of the major performances.  Almost all of the SDC visitors today were of the "senior citizen" variety.  I would estimate I didn't see over a dozen children.

Did I mention it was HOT?  Sweat running down your back kind of HOT.

The employees of SDC were putting up Christmas lights....yes in August, but it didn't make it seem any cooler!

By the time we got home, rested/cooled down, the sun was down, and it was a very nice evening outdoors.  Just great for playing some cards!  

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