Thursday, August 29, 2013

8-29-2013 Music and College of the Ozarks

Are you noticing how quickly August is slipping away?  I hope August takes the hot temperatures with it when it turns to September!

This morning there was music at our place!  Evelyn with her guitar, Fred with his guitar, and Gay with her mandolin, and all four--Glen, Evelyn, Fred, and Gay, singing.

Gary and I are the audience!  

For lunch we went to the Keeter Center at the College of the Ozarks, Point Lookout, MO near Branson.  The Keeter Center is a beautiful building; it looks like Yellowstone Lodge.  The food, ok, let's say "cuisine" is delicious and prepared by students.

After lunch we toured the antique tractors, watched the dairy herd being milked, and admired the view at Lookout Point.  There is a huge, three story museum that is fun to tour, but didn't take time today. 

The evening ended with three games of "19-point pitch", and an ice cream at "Coldstone Creamery.  

We will say "see you later" to Gary and Evelyn in the morning.  They will be preparing for other travel plans next week.


  1. Oh someday I'd like to visit that campus. I've always heard great things about that school.

  2. I hope you make a visit someday. Plan on several hours to see everything. Make a reservation if you are there for the evening meal of the Sunday brunch.
