Tuesday, September 10, 2013

9-10-2013 Once Again Spent the Day with Ashlynn

Once again, Ashlynn was home from school today.  The cough was better through the day, but not completely gone.

I have no idea what the plan will be in the morning.

We played on her dad's I-Pad, lots of Sorry games, she built a fort and quietly played under the blanket looped from the sofa to the footstool.  Isn't imagination wonderful.  Ash also showed Poppy how to play "bowling" and "racing" on the WII game.  Poppy thought the Wii is pretty neat.

First thing this morning Ash and I drove the truck and Glen drove Darin's jeep to the detailer shop.  Oh my, it looks so much better--shiny, clean, waxed, vacuumed.  All signs of gravel roads are gone.

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