Wednesday, September 11, 2013

9-11-2013 Do you Remember Where You Were 12 years Ago?

Of Course, You Do.

Today's historical anniversary is like the day President Kennedy was killed.  You will always remember.

From the serious to the not-so-serious....

We have appointments with two new doctors in the next two weeks.  

Do you know how many pages of information one must fill out to see new/different doctors?  Oh, my!  

List the medications you are currently taking.
List the surgical procedures you have had
List your family's medical history.
Why are you here?  How did you hear about us?
Etc, Etc, Etc.

Hint: make a copy of the first forms filled out; very helpful for the second set of forms!

Just so you is still summer hibernation season here in southeast Missouri.  Temps have been in the high 90's with heat indices of 102 and above.
High heat + high humidity=miserable conditions and hibernation occurs!

But, wait, a cold front is coming in.  By Friday the high is supposed to be 79 degrees.  Hurray.

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