Saturday, September 14, 2013

9-14-2013 A great day

It was an early start this morning.  

Ashlynn had an 8 a.m. soccer game and Zade played at 9:00.  

And---we had to wear a jacket and wear socks with tennis shoes.  There was a low of 45 degrees.  71 was the high.  It was a beautiful day.

After naps, Zade called to see if Poppy would come play baseball on the Wii.  Of course he would and did!  Even I played a couple of games.  By the last game I was managing to "hit" the ball.  Zade made six home runs in one inning!

We shared fresh corn on the cob from the Farmers' Market with the grilled pork loin, mashed potatoes, for dinner.  It was some of the best fresh corn ever.  We also cut the watermelon that we also got at the Farmers' Market.  It was THE best watermelon I have had in at least 5 years.  Scrumptious.  

The evening ended with a game of "SORRY" with everyone playing.  

It has been a great day. Then it got better.

After we returned to the motor home Brady, sophomore, called to say he would be SKYPE-ing.  We got on line and had a great face-to-face conversation with him.  He played his guitar for us.  

Brady also shared live-time photos of what had been caught in their house this evening---a young opossum.  They are assuming it got in through an outside door.  We had a great time telling him that opossums usually traveled in pairs; or, it was so young it was probably searching for its mother.  

It probably had come into the garage, found cat food, then slipped into the house when the door was opened.

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