Friday, September 13, 2013

9-13-2013 Day Trip!

Being "Friday the thirteenth" did not deter us from taking a day trip.

We explored the eastern side of the boot heel of Missouri.  Our destination:  the Dorena/Hickman Ferry that crosses the Mississippi River.

The ferry just left.
Here goes the ferry toward Hickman KY
Ready to board.

Glen watching the river flow by.
There are lots of sandbars on the river today.

Here's Kentucky.  Line it up.

Too steep for the motorhome to disembark.  Hickman, KY just over the hill.

There were many thousands of acres of soybeans turning yellow, not quite ready for harvest.  Huge fields of corn were being picked.  Cotton fields were beginning to turn white from the blooms.

We visited the "Big Oak Tree State Park."  This is the site of many record-setting sized trees.  The "big oak" tree has been hit by lightning and fallen.  We did see a record-setting pumpkin ash tree.

The state park is in a state of "friendly unuse."  I am sure the area has been flooded by the Mississippi River many times in the past years.  By the many spider webs across the boardwalk I feel that we were the first visitors in several days.  

There are many huge trees visible from the boardwalk but no signs to identify them or no informational brochures. Later in the fall I would assume there will be many birds along the boardwalk.

We returned to Cape Girardeau this afternoon, having enjoyed the beautiful blue skies, moderate temperatures, and low humidity!

Supper tonight was fresh corn from the farmer's market.  Wow, it was delicious.

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