Monday, September 23, 2013

9-23-2013 Celebration and Hospitalization

A week from today is granddaughter Ashlynn's seventh birthday.  We won't be here on the actual day, so had birthday dinner at her choice--Mexican.

Ashlynn and I made her a cake after school.  She measured, poured, stirred, broke eggs, held hand mixer.  She was so excited.  I made the frosting for the cake.  AND, she got to lick the beaters.  The best part for her, I think.

She got to open her gift from us, also, an outfit for Sage, her American Girl doll.

I have received two calls from my sister and younger brother this evening telling me they were taking my mother to the local hospital.  The second call was to say Mom is having/or has just had a heart attack.  She is being moved to ICU.  Thankfully we are heading up there tomorrow so will be able to assist Jan and Mark with all that is going on.  

I will post as I have time in the next couple of days. 

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