Thursday, October 3, 2013

10-3-2013 I'm ba-a-a-c-k!

This is the absolute longest I have gone without blogging since I started in 2007!  

We have been parked at my sister's.  We have no Verizon WiFi there. I could have taken the computer to her house but never had/took the time to do that.

My mom passed away a week ago today.  The services, both visitation and Celebration of Life, were on Saturday.  Needless to say, there were some busy days, before and after all of that.

We--the family--were honored by the many family members and friends that offered kind words, brought food, sent flowers, you know the kind of things that family and community does in that time of life.

Things settled.  Monday evening we decided we could leave.  We will be back Thanksgiving week unless there is a need before that.

We traveled yesterday to our daughter's, spent a busy evening with them.  Trisha's 90-year-old father in law is in the hospital. We even got in a short visit with Willie.

Today we are headed to San Antonio, Texas, where the Dakto Defenders, Glen's Army friends and cohorts, are meeting Thursday through Sunday morning.  

This is my mom in the center.  I am the oldest, (R); Jan (2nd from left); then Ron with cowboy hat; then the baby (ha) on the left

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