Monday, November 4, 2013

11-04-13 It's Monday, so It Must Be Laundry!

Brady, Tanner, and Landon, three older grandsons, usually do their own laundry.  I told them last night I would work on their laundry today.

I put the first load in at 7:30 this morning and took out and folded the last load at 8:00 tonight!  

Tanner knocked on the bedroom door about midnight last night, saying the dreaded words, "Grammy, I threw up."

Yuck is an understatement. 

Needless to say, there was clean up to do.  Thank you, Glen.  That is one ailment I can't take care of.

Tanner was still under the weather this morning, so stayed home from school.  

Jeff and Trisha returned home from their honeymoon/first anniversary trip late afternoon.  Trisha called from Atlanta saying they were still on the ground as the door on the airplane wouldn't close.  It took about 15 minutes to repair.  

They had a great week-end on the Florida beach.  

We are back at our home tonight, listening to the pitter-patter of rain hitting the roof.  

It has been great fun spending the time with the grandsons.  As in most situations, kids/grandsons are more laid-back when the parents are gone.  They were helpful, humerus, talkative.  There were glimpses of adulthood.  

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