Tuesday, November 5, 2013

11/5/13 A Rainy Day

What do you do on a rainy day?

Here in northwestern Arkansas the answer: catch up on paperwork.  Because of the events of the past six weeks it has been easy to let the paperwork slide.  Bank statements and credit card statements were matched with the store receipts (they had been paid).  

The last delivery of mail had been viewed, but not filed.  Mission accomplished. 

Glen's laptop computer began showing signs of virus contamination or user dysfunction.  A trip to Best Buy's Geek Squad indicates a virus infestation.  That let's the user off the hook.

A 4-7-day with the Geek Squad technicians should solve that problem.  

Due to the steady rain darkness arrived early.  We called Trisha and told her we were in for the night.  

I caught up on the Tivo'd Jeopardy's.  

There's 90 percent chance of rain tonight and tomorrow.  The rain and wind are bringing down the beautiful, colored leaves.  

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