Monday, November 18, 2013

11-18-2013 Getting Ready

After being parked in one spot for nearly three weeks, there are a few things that always creep out of their spot.  We spent the morning putting away magazines, papers, vacuuming, mopping, dusting, cleaning bathroom, washing the motorhome.  

I worked up a sweat doing my share of the chores.  We are, however, ready to drive away in the morning.

Tonight we took the family, excepting Jeff who was flying, out to dinner.  The grandchildren chose "Fuji's" a Japanese steak house.  We sat around the hibachi grill and watched the meal being prepared.

Glen very much enjoyed spending time one-on-one with Brady.  Brady is now proficient with the guitar.  He spends hours playing and has improved tremendously.  Brady played songs from Poppy's notebook and Glen sang.  

Brady played until his fingers were too sore to play any more; and Poppy sang until he had no more voice!

We said our good-byes and exchanged hugs with the family. 
We probably will see them after Thanksgiving as we head south to our Texas stomping grounds, but it will be for only one night.

How does one describe "family time"?  Enjoyable doesn't seem strong enough.  The grandchildren are "older"; have their own opinions and are capable of voicing them--all at the same time.  They are busy with school, activities, church, family, friends.  We appreciate them spending time with us.  

We love you: Trisha, Jeff, Tanner, Natalie, Brady, and Landon.   

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