Tuesday, November 19, 2013

11-19-2013 "Happiest Day Ever!"

We left Greenwood early, 8:30, and was on the road 7 and half hours.  We crossed Arkansas west to east on I-40, then north on I-55 to Cape Girardeau. 

We arrived just in time to pick up Ashlynn and Zade at preschool (where they go after school).

We walked to the playground, looking for them.  Ashlynn started screaming, "oh my, Mimi.  Oh, this is the happiest day ever! I love you."  It was the best greeting ever.  She told the workers, "this is my Mimi. I haven't seen her in a long time."  

Zade greeted Poppy with the same sentiments and hugs!

It was even better when they realized they would get to ride in the motorhome to the rv park.  

We parked, hooked up utilities, and were set.  Ashlynn wanted to look for leaves.  She and I walked around the park.  

It will be difficult to leave them next week!

Tomorrow is scheduled to be a busy day.  It will start early to have the pick-up at the GMC dealer at 8:00 a.m.

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