Sunday, November 24, 2013

11-24-2013 We are way too far NORTH!

Here's today's temps...low 16, high 33.  Wind 15-18 mph.  Can you say "cold"?  

I talked to our daughter in Ft. Smith Arkansas this afternoon and there was sleet falling!

We visited with Tom and Donna in the hospital today.  We took Donna to lunch at Panera Bread.  We enjoyed visiting with her, but sorry it was under the circumstances.

We are treasuring every minute with Darin, Sarah, Ashlynn and Zade.  It will be difficult to leave them in a few days and that is the most difficult part of being full-time in the motorhome.  We enjoyed them this afternoon.

Sunday night is one of our favorite tv nights.  Amazing Race is winding down; we are cheering on our favorite team and boo-ing our least favorite team.

It will be shopping time at WalMart in the morning.  Hopefully it won't be as crowded as over the week end.

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