Monday, November 25, 2013

11-25-2013 Four Lettered Word

Which four-lettered word am I referring to?

How about either of these? 

It was both today!  About mid-day snowflakes could be seen floating in the air; soon turned to snow pellets.  There was no accumulation.

The high today was 34 degrees with a cold (there's that word again) north wind.  

I managed to get an appointment today with an eye doctor who agree with the opthamologist:  I need glasses.  I brought prescription with me to fill when we get to Laredo Texas.  There's not enough days to order and receive before we leave for Texas.

We also braved WalMart this afternoon.  It was busy, but nothing like Saturday, I imagine.  But I forgot to take medications for refilling which means another trip tomorrow.  

Early this evening I received a phone call telling me that Donna (that we visited with yesterday) whose mother is in Cape Girardeau hospital was in the ER of the same hospital.  Donna is having tests to determine what is causing her symptoms/pain (stomach pains).  Before we left the ER we learned that she is being admitted to the hospital.  This family is worn out from dealing with the death of Donna's dad in October, the impending end of her mother's life, and now this medical setback for Donna.

We are expecting the arrival of the families of two of Glen's sisters tomorrow, both coming to this RV park!  The fun is getting ready to begin.  

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