Tuesday, November 26, 2013

11-26-2013 Pre-Pre Thanksgiving!

It's been a busy day.

I spent the morning prepping veggies and making sauces for Thanksgiving dishes.  

At noon we visited with our friend Donna who had been admitted to the hospital late last night.  She is doing better and expects to be released tomorrow.  

We had medication refills at Walmart.  Glen had new equipment to pick up for his c-pap machine.

Glen picked up Ashlynn and Zade from after school care.  They came to the motorhome where we all waited for the arrival of Evelyn (Glen's sister) and Gary in their fifth wheel.

They arrived about 5:15; hooked up, turned on the heat.

All of us then went to Darin/Sarahs for dinner.  Darin grilled venison tenderloin/backstrap wrapped in bacon with green beans and baked potato as side dishes.  

We are now back home.  Jeff and Marcella have arrived. Glen is guiding them to their parking site.

BTW it is 32 degrees and the wind is 24 mph.
Can we all say COLD!  Br-r-r!

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