Monday, December 16, 2013

12-16-2013 From Carharts to Capri's

In a matter of hours we went from needing a Carhart coat to enjoying Capri's  

What a difference the sunshine makes!

We enjoyed the Christmas carols we heard at church this morning.  There was one more Winter Texas couple at church this morning. There will be more arriving after Christmas I am sure.
It didn't many pages of the Sunday paper to start nap time.

We drove to Laredo this morning.  

The first stop was the Walmart where I was to pick up the new glasses I am to use for short to middle distances.  The new glasses are "no line-progressive".  I was told to give it two weeks to totally adjust to them.  I can tell it will take a few days or more.  

So far finding the right spot to see the computer screen is the most difficult.  Watching TV is great.  I can now read the game scores.

Remember the prescription in the mail I have been waiting for?  It still has not arrived.  I finally called the doctor's office last Friday, and the office called the pharmacy at Walmart.  I was able to pick up the needed medication.

To finish the stop at Walmart we shopped for groceries.

We shared an order of shrimp tacos at "Palenque Grill", a most wonderful restaurant.  Our son-in-law can testify to the goodness of the guacamole made at table side.

Lowe's was the last stop of the day.  We just keep adding to the outdoor kitchen.  Today we chose an upper cabinet, and a lower base cabinet to go between the refrigerator and stove.  

As soon as we got home Glen jumped right in and installed the upper cabinet.  The base cabinet is in place.  Attaching the counter top is tomorrow's project.  

One more thing,five miles south of Laredo this morning there was a "rolling" Border Patrol checkpoint set up.  

We eased northward, waiting our turn to reach the Border Patrol.  It was easy on our part, roll down the windows, answer the Border Patrolman, "ma'am, are you an American citizen?"  "Yes, sir."  "Thank you.  Proceed."  He didn't even ask Glen, just me.  

Another Patrolman was walking the area with a drug dog.  Occasionally a vehicle was asked to pull over to the side for further investigation.  

We appreciate the efforts and dedication of the Border Patrolmen.  There is a large presence in this area.  Illegal drugs and non-American people are the main focus of their search efforts.

Are you counting down the days to Christmas?  

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