Tuesday, December 17, 2013

12-17-2013 An Outdoor Day

Today's facts:  low 42 degrees, high 75 degrees; wind--none; sunshine--abundant.

It definitely was an outside day!  

I prepared a pot o' chili this morning.  It simmered about 4 hours.  It was delicious as a late lunch! 

Glen worked on finishing and attaching a counter top to the 24" base cabinet.  The cabinet is going to give much needed storage.  The cabinet top is adding much needed prep space.  

Lesson reminder:  our neighbor/friend fell from the top step of a 7' step ladder onto concrete.  Always have some hold the ladder for you, and never stand on the top step!  Jim has a broken nose, broken wrist, and three broken ribs but assorted bruises, contusions, and general soreness.

Last week's Tuesday's evening Jam Session was cancelled due to a non-working furnace. Jam Session was on for tonight.

There were 9 on stage as performers/singers with about 40 in the audience.  The audience will grow in attendance immediately after Christmas.  

A group from tonight also gathered at the Dairy Queen after Jam Session.  The group has gotten to know one another and friendships started from spending the 45 minutes or so together.  

One week from today is Christmas Eve!  


  1. Wish I could hear the jam session! We had an 82 year old blacksmith friend fall off his ladder a couple of weeks ago. It included a hospital stay, broke ribs and lung troubles.

    Happy Holidays!

  2. My husband loves to sing; his sister and her husband will arrive here from Butler MO next Tuesday. She plays the guitar and sings. There are lots of informal jams at our place when they get here, she joins Glen at the Jam Sesssion, also.
