Wednesday, December 18, 2013

12-18-2013 "To Do" List

We managed to cross a few things off the "to do" list.

Once again, we cleaned the outdoor living space.  As Glen told a neighbor "you get out, use it, and then you have to put it away."  

Neighbors Jim and Dee who are hosting a Christmas Eve dinner are borrowing the patio table/chairs, plus the folding tables.  We are setting up the tables and chairs on Friday afternoon.  

I enjoy having the washer/dryer convenient, which means no trip to the laundrymat.  I actually don't mind the laundrymat when we are on the road.  When we are parked in one spot, as we are now, I am happy that I can do laundry on my schedule.  

I mentioned Jim and Dee (above) and yesterday.  Jim fell from the top of the 7' step ladder.  Zapata actually has no emergency medical facility.  X-rays were taken Monday at the local clinic and sent to Laredo.  Reports from the Laredo radiologist indicate Jim has more broken bones than originally diagnosised.  (Dee won't cancel or re-schedule the Christmas Even dinner)

Dee got on the phone to find an orthopedic surgeon to see/examine Jim.  After seven calls the first available appointment is January 3.  Makes me shake my head in disbelief.  Someone with numerous broken bones can't be seen for two and half weeks???!!!!??? 

What are your plans for the next week?  Making your list--grocery list, that is?  Getting ready to travel? Wrapping gifts?

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