Monday, December 2, 2013

12-2-13 On The Road Again

Monday, December 2
Rockport, Texas
Walmart Supercenter

Friday, November 29(parked at Jan/Bruce farm, Iberia MO)
We picked up Ashlynn and Zade from their home and headed north to Iberia, MO.  They were good travelers, entertaining themselves with their ipads (mom and dad's old ones with games) and my kendle.

They were excited to see cousins at Aunt Jan and Uncle Bruce's home (Jan/Bruce's grandchildren).  

Saturday, November 30 (parked at Jan and Bruce's farm)
Today was the gathering of Mom's four children: Jan, Ron, and Mark, and me and our children and their children.  All of Mom's grandchildren were there except one.

After a most-delicious lunch the family gathered around the stack of quilts, family pictures, old toys, and each of us chose our mementoes.

All of the grandchildren enjoyed seeing the "old" pictures, the ones of their parents as children with our parents.

We were pleased that Trisha and Jeff from Greenwood, AR were able to fly to the local airport for the family gathering.  Glen did pick up delivery and returned them after the gathering.

Sunday, December 1, 2013  (parked at Greenwood AR Walmart)
This morning we left our parking site at Jan and Bruce's farm, and headed to Greenwood, Ar.  We had a great visit with Trisha, Jeff, and the four children.

Monday, December 2, 2013 (Rockport TX Walmart)
Tonight we are enjoying the hospitality of Walmart.  We left Greenwood AR at 8:50 a.m. and stopped today at 5:30 pm.

At one we stopped for lunch in the motorhome.  Glen opened the door and said "oh, my goodness."  I thought some storage door was open or something; it jumped-started my heart.  No, he was enjoying the warm air.  It reached 78 degrees this afternoon.

While stopped Glen switched the front inside system from heating to air conditioner!

There's about 5 hours of travel tomorrow and we will reach our winter stomping ground in Zapata, TX.  We are about 

Today we have seen lots of cattle, lots of pine trees, lots of logging trucks; wet fields.  We even saw one field that had been mowed, and was being raked in preparation for baling.  We aren't in the cacti and mesquite area yet, but will reach it soon in the morning.  

Here's hoping you have had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday.  

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