Tuesday, December 3, 2013

12-3-2013 Six Hours on the Road (Zapata, TX)

It was six hours on the road today!  Shortly after we started we saw prickly pear cacti, crested caracara (carrion eater), harris hawks, mesquite trees.  We were in south Texas.

We truly were in south Texas.  It was this many degrees when we arrived at our parking place.....

We parked, leveled, and plugged in the electricity.  Yes, we turned on the air conditioner!  

We have a few things things unloaded from the truck.  The truck was loaded to the gills (a Missouri saying) with things brought from my mom's house.  I will try to remember to take a few pictures of the tables and dishes I have as mementos of my mother.

We received "welcome back" from several of the neighbors.

Glen actually went to the "jam session" tonight.  I chose to stay home; just didn't work up the energy to change clothes.  That's pitiful, isn't it.

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