Sunday, December 22, 2013

12-22-2013 Feliz Navidad!

This afternoon our church joined the Spanish-speaking mission church for music, carols, and a shared meal.

Hearing the familiar Christmas carols in both languages is guaranteed to remind one why we are celebrate Christmas.

The meal following the music service was traditional Mexican: homemade tamales, bar-b-cued brisket, frejole's (brown beans).  The side dishes were "pot luck" style.  Church members brought salad and desserts.  

Homemade tamales are oh-so-much better than the ones from cans!  These tamales were made with finely chopped pork.

"Feliz Navidad" was sung by the children of both churches.  

Even though the mission church is called "Spanish speaking", Only the generation of grandparents/great-grandparents are Spanish-only speaking.  The rest of the members are bi-lingual. 

The pictures we are seeing from family and friends on Facebook of all the ice are beautiful; but we know how dangerous that beauty is.  Be careful, whether walking or driving.   

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