Monday, December 23, 2013

12-23-2013 It's Almost Christmas

We have groceries enough to make the dishes needed for Christmas Eve late dumplings and corn casserole.

We have groceries for Christmas Day.  Evelyn (Glen's sister) and Gary will be arriving in the late afternoon.  They are leaving Missouri in the morning.  Storms have abated in western Missouri.  Travel should be no problem...except for leaving in the cold temperatures.

We visited today with new neighbors.  A couple from New Mexico purchased the land/house that directly across the street from us.  They are gutting the house and re-modeling the inside.  Outside they used a tractor and brush hog to work on the over-grown brush.  They seem very nice and we look forward to getting acquainted with them.

They and 34 other people will be at Jim and Dee's for late lunch tomorrow.  

Have a grand Christmas Eve!

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