Monday, January 27, 2014

1-27-2014 Two Parts of One Day

First part  
Sunshine, blue skies. Warm temperatures.  No jacket needed.
Glen power-washed all of the concrete surfaces, worked up a sweat.  
I baked chocolate chip bars.  
Gary baked crunch craisin cookies.
Made a trip to the library.
Sat outside with book, watched the birds.

Second part  
Blue sky disappeared.  Clouds filled the sky.
Wind rapidly increased and moved to the north. 
Set up wind screens.  It is Music Night.
Arranged heaters so all could be warm.
Three couples here.  Extra dessert: cherry cheesecake pie, and cookies.
Music, music, music!
Temperature remained at 60 degrees but wind was gusting 20 mph.
There will be no sympathy from family and friends in north.
Music Night over.  Kitchen cleaned.

Great day.  Great company.  Great music.  Great food.

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