Tuesday, January 28, 2014

January 28, 2014 Indoor Day

Like so much of the country, it was a day to stay indoors.

This morning Gary and Evelyn invited us to watch a movie with them.  The movie was "The Bounty Hunter" with Jennifer Anniston.  I didn't know the male lead.  It was billed as a "romantic comedy" and it was.  The PG-13 rating meant there were several unnecessary "bad words".  

Glen and Evelyn chose music/songs for tonight's Jam Session.

The were 15 performers tonight.  The Jam was very good tonight.

We had booked reservations for a bus trip to "the Valley" (McAllen, Mission area) to see a program tomorrow at "The Chicken House Opry" but was notified late this afternoon the bus trip has been cancelled.  

Raise your hand if you are ready for less winter weather and warmer temperatures! ha!

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