Saturday, January 18, 2014

January 18, 2014 Biking!

I called Evelyn this morning to see if she was interested in riding bikes this morning.  She was in the middle of her morning walk, but she was willing to go with us.

I also called Fred, who is about a mile from us in an RV park.  He had indicated he would go bike riding when we did.

Gary chose to stay home.  We took their truck as the bikes fit in the back easier than ours.  We picked up Fred and his bike.  Gay also stayed home.

We drove to Airport Road, about 2.6 miles one way.  Glen, Fred, and I rode three lengths of the road.  Evelyn rode two lengths (remember she had already walked a mile plus).  

It was a gorgeous day to be outdoors, walking and/or riding bikes.

Evelyn Morrow, Fred Vaughan, Glen Hickey enjoying being outdoors.

This afternoon we attended a memorial service for a gentleman who attended church as well as the music venues.  The highlight of the service was the tribute from the VFW members. It was complete with presentation of the flag to his widow, and a 21 gun salute.  It is always touching.  

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