Friday, January 17, 2014

January 17, 2014 Birding Adventure

It's been too long since we have been "birding", as in, seeking out locations to see/find birds, identify them, listen to them, admire their beauty.

Today, Glen, Gary, Evelyn and I went south from here to the small village of Salineno, Texas, about 35 miles south of Zapata.  

There is a protected area along the Rio Grande River where volunteers keep feeders with hummingbird syrup, peanut butter mixture, black oil sunflower seed, mixed seeds, orange halves out for the birds.  There are chairs for the visitors, and the volunteers can provide binoculars for the visitors if needed.  

The volunteer this morning had recorded 27 species by ten o'clock.  We probably saw 25 of those species in the hour or so we were there.

Below are three pictures from the birding site.  Next time I will take a tripod on which to mount the camera.  The bird action is quick, too quick for my puny camera--as opposed to those cameras with lens' out to here, and is located in the shadows, under brush piles, in trees.

Green Jay

Isn't this Altamira oriole a beauty.

Greater Kiskadee

This location is just in the US with Mexico just across the Rio Grande River.  These birds don't require a passport to visit Texas from Mexico.  

We regularly have these birds at the feeders in our yard.

From Salineno we went farther south about 15 miles to Rio Grande City to shop at Walmart .  This Walmart is located south of Zapata about the same mileage as the Walmart in Laredo.  

We planned to eat lunch at a historical hotel in Roma, TX (north of Rio Grande City), but when we arrived we learned the dining room was closed.  We went north about six blocks to the restaurant called "Caro's Restaurant."  

Caro's served Mexican food, but a different style of "Mexican" that is served at Zapata.  Gary had "puffy tacos", meaning the tortillas was puffy.  Think very similar to sopillilas.  They were delicious.  Definitely will put "Caro's" on the "stop here again" list.

We had a very enjoyable evening playing "hearts" with Gary and Evelyn.

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