Sunday, February 23, 2014

February 22/23, 2014 The Week-End

There is usually not much to report over the week end.

Saturday we walked to four yard sales in the neighborhood, and......we didn't buy a thing.  We did get to visit with lots of neighbors/friends.  

The rest of the day was filled in with college basketball, reading, and visiting.

Today we attended Sunday School--class, and worship services.  Glen and Evelyn always sings with the choir.

After worship service the youth had sold tickets for a chicken spaghetti and green beans, and hot bread and dessert lunch to be served after church.  

I helped in the kitchen with last minutes chores, then helped with serving.  There were about 60 lunches sold, including 10 take-out.  The funds raised will help with summer camp fees.  

Glen also helped with the clean-up.  

I think I was the only one to enjoy a long nap this afternoon.  Glen  sharpened the blades on the lawn mower; then mowed part of the lawn.  He will finish tomorrow.

Tonight was the beginning of a new season of THE AMAZING RACE, the only reality show we watch.  Eleven favorite teams from previous seasons are the contestants this season.  

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