Monday, February 24, 2014

February 24, 2014 An Outdoor Kind of Day

Started today outdoors and ended the day outdoors.

Glen mowed the lawn (almost all of it), and did some weed-eating.  As soon as he finished I used the blower on all the concrete, then washed all the dust away.

The reason Glen didn't finish the yard was the neighbor had clothes hanging on the clothesline, and Glen didn't want the dust blowing that direction.

We sat outdoors and watched .04' of rain fall.  The raindrops just about could be counted!  Best of all, there was some thunder rumbling around.  What a great sound.

Glen then went to the neighbors' Milton and Glenda to mow their lawn.  Milton is recovering from leg surgery (had a growth inside upper thigh removed) and Glen is recovering from gall bladder removal.  Obviously neither needed to be pushing a mower.  They irrigate their lawn; it actually is green.

We arranged chairs in preparation for the Jam Session tonight.  
It was the same group tonight.  Gary, Sally, and Gay each made a new recipe tonight.  We all agreed we would be the test audience anytime.

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