Wednesday, February 26, 2014

February 26, 2014 Streets of Laredo

We were invited by friends Jim and Dee to meet them at "Montana Mike's", a steak house, at noon in Laredo.

We left this morning with the plans to shop at Sam's before arriving at Montana Mike's.  We finished at 12:00 and drove the ten minutes to the steak house. 

The meal was great; the company better.  Jim and Dee treated us to lunch as a "payback" for Glen and Gary working on the wiring project for them.  

After lunch we went to Walmart.  We had a list but the main goal was to pick up med refills.  I had called in the refills yesterday so it would all be ready.  I stepped up to the counter, and my two refills were ready.  There was no record of the request for one refill for Glen.  It was all done in one prescription, so where did it go?  

After officially requesting the refill, it was a 20-25 minute wait, but finally it was complete.  

After getting back home, putting everything away (the hard part), we watched a movie with Gary and Evelyn.  They order movies from Netflix which is extremely efficient and timely with the orders.

Tonight's showing was "The Butler", loosely based on the life of a butler who worked at the White House for 30 years.  It was a reminder of the nation's history in the 50's and 60's, though the election of today's president.

I haven't mentioned the weather.  At midnight it was 71 degrees.  The wind gusted in from the north, temperatures dropped all day, and is currently 46 degrees.  There has been a whopping .26" of rain....all in one day.  Not enough to break the drought, but welcome, none the less.

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