Tuesday, February 25, 2014

February 25, 2014 Toys

Glen has talked about (???) for years, couldn't convince himself that he could find what he wanted, worried it would cost too much money, but...today he got it, what he wanted.

You will never guess.  Thinking of something? Ok, here is what came by UPS today.  I should have taken a picture, will do that next time it is set up. 

But I will tell you without a picture.. It is a -----sound system!  Two speakers, an amplifier, and five microphones with stands.  Can you see it now?

Glen and Evelyn, each with their own microphone, singing each afternoon.  Yep, Glen has a smile from ear to ear.  And...there are enough microphone for the Hickey clan, or for jam session on Monday night, or whenever they want.  

I have been appointed "sound board engineer".  I get to hit the on/off button, set the balance for the mics.  Smile!

The system has a great sound.  Of course it was set up as soon as it was delivered.  It is put away now as it is supposed to rain tomorrow.

Glen and Gary went next door to Jim/Dee's about nine this morning to help with a concrete project.  They worked until about noon.

It was a full house at the Tuesday night Jam Session with 18 performers.  Dell, a favorite of everyone's, is 89 and plays the harmonica!  

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