Sunday, March 16, 2014

3-16-2014 Migration North

At church this morning we learned that the migration north has begun....not just the birds of the sky, but the Winter Texans.

Fred and Gay, Oklahoma, are (maybe)leaving in the morning.  There was an inch of rain this morning.  It may be too muddy to get out of the site; and, it might be too windy.  Today's wind may have dried out the soil so it might not be too muddy.

Fred and Arlene, Michigan, are heading home via Arkansas and Iowa.  It will be a few weeks before they arrive in Michigan.

After lunch Fred said: "how about one more music session before we leave?"

At three Fred and Gay, Phil and Nancy, and Glen gathered at the rv park hall for an afternoon of gospel music.  There was another round of good-byes at the end of the music.

It surely is going to be lonely when everyone goes their separate ways.

I mentioned last evening that our high school alma mater basketball team was playing in the state finals last night.  Iberia ended the season 29-2, second in the state.  It was an awesome season, making parents, extended family, and community proud of their ability and sportsmanship.  What a great experience for everyone.

We awakened this morning to the sound of thunder and lightning, and rain hitting the roof.  The rain totalled one inch, about 1/10 of the year's total.  The spring wildflowers and cacti will be bursting into blooms soon.

Here's hoping you have had a great week end.

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