Monday, March 17, 2014

3-17-2014 St. Paddy's Day

ST. Paddy's Day is coming to a close.  I even remembered to wear green when we went out tonight.

"DJ Jim", friend and neighbor, invited us to the American Legion tonight to listen to him play karaoke.  Several other neighbors from the neighborhood also were there.  The best part was it was in a No Smoking room.

There was a variety of talent singing to the music.  No prejudice here - - Glen was the best!  He did two songs just before we left.

Fred, friend from Oklahoma, called early this morning to say breakfast omelets were being prepared at their RV park, and we were invited to share.  We couldn't resist that invitation.

Fred and Gay finally got on the road about 10-10:30, I would guess.

Glen's morning task was finishing the prep for income tax papers being sent to the CPA.  The beautiful outdoors called before he was finished.  

That was okay, as he finished tasks outdoors.  We pretty much spent from noon onward outdoors.  

Glen is now working on the final section for the income tax preparation.

Do you remember the penalty for not wearing green on St. Patrick's Day?  Getting pinched!  Hope you didn't get pinched.

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