Saturday, March 29, 2014

3-28, 29-2014 Friday and Saturday

Friday and Saturday 

We are treasuring the time spent with family these days.  Tanner has grown and nearly caught up with his brother Brady.  These three boys can put away the food!

Tanner, Brady, Dacks (friend of the boys), and Landon at the trap practice field this afternoon.  Landon is Trisha's step-son, but all are our grandsons.

Dacks went to dinner with us.  After dinner Dacks was at the house plus Matt, another friend.  Lots of testosterone floating around the living room with five teen-aged boys all in one place.  

Trisha threatened to come spend the night with us as she was so outnumbered!  In the end she stayed at their house.  

One more day here! 

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