Sunday, March 30, 2014

3-30-2014 A Special Happening

In some ways it was Sunday, as usual.  

Tonight we attended church where our daughter's 90-yr-old father in law sang and played his guitar for three songs.  

Willie now lives in a nursing home, but has adjusted well.  He was crowned King of the nursing home at Valentine's Day.  Six months ago it was uncertain whether Willie would make it through the night or not.  Now he is playing his guitar, performing music each Wednesday at noon, and enjoying painting.  

Isn't God good.  I just pray I am able to to enjoy life that late in life.

We said our "good-byes" to Trisha, Jeff, Brady, Tanner, Landon and Natalie tonight.  This has been a fast week.  We will see them in 75 days when they land in Anchorage, Alaska....unless we get back here in between now and departure time.

They go to school until June 10.  They won't much time to get ready for their trip.  

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