Wednesday, March 5, 2014

3-5-2015 An Empty Spot

There's an empty spot, not only in the corner of the lot, but in our heart!

Gary and Evelyn left this morning.  We are going to miss them but fully understand why!  

I have mentioned that they have sold their home south of Kansas City while they were here.  That's the good news!  It just means they now have to empty their house.  They will have an auction the last Saturday in April.

We received word last night that a fellow member of the Dak To Defenders (1969 Viet Nam) 299th Combat Engineers, Army, passed away Sunday night.  The visitation was tonight just four hours away in Luling Texas.  We left after lunch and drove there.  Larry had gallently fought cancer for several months.
Glen Hickey (L), Capt. Jerry Holt, Larry Homann (R) 3-24-2012

These three Dak Do Defenders reunited at Larry's March 2012.  It was the first time Glen had seen Captain Holt since 1969.  

Larry and wife Frances had been to several reunions, and we had visited them at their home.  Larry told Glen at the first reunion they attended that "you, Glen, are the reason I am here.  I wanted to see you again." 

The reunions have allowed men--soldiers--comrades--brothers in action--to come together, renew friendships, put at rest some fears, terrors, memories.  It does "a heart good." 

It's been a long day.  

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