Thursday, March 6, 2014

3-6-2014 Winter Texan Appreciation Luncheon

The American Legion sponsored a "Winter Texan Appreciation" event today.

There was BINGO, a bar-b-que lunch, door prizes, and music to listen and dance to.

Note to Gary M: you should think about catering the lunch next year! There were approximately 250-300 people there. Lunch was a bar-b-que chicken leg/thigh, mustard-seasoned potato salad (yuck), chips, a piece of white bread, and a soda.  We think you could do lots better!

We didn't win any prizes.  

The entertainment was kar-e-oak-ee (spelling by sound) type music.  The singer was very good, though.  

Tonight we went to the neighboring RV park for a Jam Session with Fred and Gay.  Yes! we missed Evelyn!  The park owner is talking to Fred and Gay about doing this every Thursday night next season!

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