Saturday, March 8, 2014

3-8-2014 For Sunday Morning: Did you Remember to Spring Forward????

I realized mid morning today that I didn't "blog", write a report.

We went with friends to Salineno, a small village about 30 miles south of here to view some birds.  

Listen up, friends, to the north!  Spring migration has begun!  There weren't nearly as many varieties or numbers of birds as there was at our last visit.

The volunteer said she would be gone by March 20 as the birds would be gone by then. Please feel hope from those remarks.

Also...we saw purple martins.  In a normal spring they would make an appearance in Missouri around March 17.  

We explored a gravel road that led to the Lake from Highway 83.  Oh, my, there is an abundance of blooming yucca, as well as cat's claw, "wee-satch" (spelled phonetically).  

Today Glen worked at cleaning out/arranging things in the storage shed.  Next will be the bins in the motorhome.  There are items that need to be left here rather than travel to Alaska and back!  Make the load lighter.  

DON'T FORGET TO SPRING FORWARD! If you read this Sunday, it's too late to remind you.  Glen has already started changing clocks.

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