Tuesday, April 1, 2014

April 1, 2014 No Tricks Allowed

Our granddaughter Ashlynn, grade 1, told us that "no tricks on the teachers allowed."  However her teacher told her that "there would be no more recesses for the rest of the year!"  April Fool's!  

Today started the beginning of "things to do" before leaving for Alaska. 

*check....haircut for me.  Of course there will be at least one more; but today's cut was almost on emergency basis.  It was shaggy time.

*check....made various appointments with doctors and mobile rv technician.

*check....watch at least one of Zade's soccer's game.  Watched tonight's.  There is no score keeping but Zade's team won 2-0.  Believe me, Zade and his team know who scores!

Tomorrow night is baseball practice, unless it is raining!  Darin and friend are the coaches for Zade's team.  

There was a high of 76 today.  The natives are rejoicing!  

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