Monday, March 31, 2014

3-31-2014 Travel Day (The Landing Point RV Park, Cape Girardeau, MO)

It was up and at 'em this morning.

We were on the road by 8:30-8:45 with a stop at the north/east edge of Fort Smith for diesel.  Cost: $3.64 with the discount card at Walmart.  BTW, that was the cheapest we saw all day.

We changed the normal route to Cape Girardeau to go to Poplar Bluff MO.  We received a call this morning that the income tax filing was ready for signature.  That didn't take long!

The wife of another retiree from the electric cooperative was also in the lobby of the CPA office.  It was a great visit with her.

To our Poplar Bluff friends, this stop was very quick.  We needed to get to Cape Girardeau.

Our son and daughter in law had plans to attend a candlelight vigil for the recently deceased assistant chief of police.

We parked the motorhome, plugged in, put the slides out, and made it to their house in time for them to go to the vigil.

Our son had not told the grandkids that we were coming tonight.  We rang the doorbell; they opened the door, and what a greeting we got!  Oh how they both have grown.  Ashlynn has a gappy smile!  Zade was dressed in Cardinal red to watch the season-opener.

Yesterday Zade told his dad, "Dad, you need to set the recorder for 3:00 for the Cardinal game (today) 'cause I will be in school."  He was watching the game when we got there!

The fun begins!  Zade has a soccer game tomorrow evening, and baseball practice on Wednesday.

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