Friday, April 11, 2014

April 10-11, 2014 Quiet, Uneventful, thankfully

Glen awakened Thursday with an upset stomach.  I think grandson Zade had shared the germ he has been fighting for a week.

Glen had a quiet, sleepy day.  Thankfully, Glen was stronger than the stomach bug and nothing developed.  A day of rest took care of the unease.

It was Darin vs. the stomach bug today.  Much of the day Darin was on the losing end of the battle.  

We are looking for new outdoor gravity chairs.  Stops at Menard's and Lowe's and Academy didn't yield what we are looking for.  

Ashlynn and Zade are talking silly and I can't type properly.

They are spending the night--maybe. They might have to go home if they don't straighten up or leave the keyboard along.  Oh, now they are saying "don't send it!"  

Seriously, they are spending the night.  So, say "good night, Ashlynn!" "Goodnight, Zade!"  

See you in the morning.  

P.S.  Zade says to type this:  I am being good.  Ashlynn says :" I am amazing!"  

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