Wednesday, April 9, 2014

April 9, 2014 A Beautiful Afternoon

The afternoon was beautiful, maybe a tad cool, but beautiful.  Blue skies, blooming trees, jonquils, sunshine, did I mention blue skies?

After a few errands, we drove across the beautiful bridge over the Mississippi River going into Illinois.  We drove north 15 miles to Union County (Illinois) Wildlife Refuge.

The low-lying woodlands/forests was filled with water, just right for wood ducks and other water fowl.  Open fields held pockets of recent rainwater, just right for waterfowl.  Sense a theme here?

Of course, nearly all birds were too far for photography, but this one was just above the parked truck.

A red-headed wooddpecker decked out in his courting colors.

Also seen was this old man of the water holes, a snapping turtle.  It was the size of a dishpan.  He looked old, leathery legs and neck, and turned around and looked at us as if to say "no sneaking around me!"

We saw two different eagle nests,  with an adult keeping guard at each nest.  With winter sticking around later than usual I don't know if eaglets have been hatched.

We saw 20-25 species of birds, plus some LBBJ's.  Only the elite birders ever see these...LBBJ's---"little bitty brown jobbies!".

The day ended with baseball practice for Coach Hickey and player Zade.
The sun went down, it cooled off, and I sat in the truck the last few minutes.

If you are interested in a list of different species seen, leave a message.

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