Monday, April 14, 2014

April 14, 2014 Where, oh where, is this month going?

It is hard to fathom that this month is half over.  The days are going by so quickly.

It has been a windy--up to 32 mph, rainy--all night and day, with temps falling--61 degrees this morning, and currently 39 degrees.  But the western and central part of the state had snow today.  My sister reported the ground was white and snowing fiercely this afternoon in the Lake of the Ozarks area.

We ran a few errands mid-day; otherwise, we have spent the day indoors.

Ashlynn called about 6:15 to ask if we could come up to their house for a while.  Of course, the answer was "yes".  We stayed until time for them to go to bed.

Darin brought a friend by to see our motor home after lunch.  The friend is nearing retirement, and is interested in the full-timing lifestyle.  He has done a lot of research and is educating himself about rigs, floor plans, colors, etc. 

Surely this is the LAST cold spell this spring!

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