Tuesday, April 15, 2014

April 15, 2014 Theater Production

It has been a good and productive day.

Both Glen and I picked up new eyeglasses this morning.  We each had Lasix surgery about 9-10 years ago.  In the past year our eyesight has deteriorated to the point where "readers" were not enough correction.

Wow, we both are bragging on our eyesight,,,with the new glasses.

Our daughter has been on a hunt for ancestors.  There has been family-lore for as long as I can remember that there is Native American ancestry, particularly on my father's side of the family.  No written record has been found in my father's lineage.

But...I found a letter from my great aunt on my mother's side, her dad, that indicated three great-grandmothers back was a member of the Blackfoot tribe in North Carolina.

If this can be proven, and our daughter is attempting, then there is monetary stipends available for college fees.    

Finding the letter from my great-aunt meant that we searched through the stored containers in our son's basement.  During the search we found several items that could be thrown away.  What was important eight years ago is not now important or needed. 

Tonight Glen and I attended a traveling production of "West Side Story" at the River Campus of Southeast Missouri State University.  It was awesome.  The music was familiar. The performers/dancers were so-o-o talented.  We enjoyed it very much.  It was a one-night performance.  We only saw it listed in the paper a few days ago and appreciate that we could get tickets. 

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