Saturday, April 5, 2014

April 4-5, 2014 Grandchildren with Benefits

There was "early out" at school Friday afternoon.  Ashlynn had requested to be a "car rider".  We picked them up at 1:43--to the minute, and went to their home.

Zade wanted to play games.  He won every game of "Go Fish!"  We played two games of "Sorry".  He didn't win either of those so he didn't want to play anymore!  Ashlynn played quietly in her room with Barbie, not interested in games.

Later Ashlynn got out the coloring books, crayolas, markers, colored pencils.  She chose a picture for me to color!  What fun.  

Ashlynn and Zade both came home with us for overnight.  
We had barely gotten in the motor home when Zade announced his stomach hurt.  Are you thinking what happened next?  Yes...throw-up time.  Thankfully the trash can was in reach.  

It has been many years since I dealt with that situation.  

He felt like staying, not wanting to call Dad.  

We finished the movie "Frozen", a very good movie by the way.  The music is great, the storyline has a "happy ending", the "bad guy" gets whats due, and the princess gets the good guy.  

Zade slept with me in the big bed, Ashlynn had the couch, and Glen slept on an air mattress.  Zade is like a heat-seeker close as possible to me.  

Zade had a good night, and was ready for breakfast.  After breakfast we took the kids back to their house where they both had special days planned.

Ashlynn went with her mother for a Spa Day session...mani/pedicure.  Zade and his dad went to St. Louis to watch the St. Louis Blues hockey team.  The game was a first for both Zade and Dad.  The Blues lost, which made Zade sad!

The benefits of five-and-seven year old grandchildren...beside unlimited hugs and kisses and gappy smiles....
games--Sorry, Go Fish
coloring books and crayolas
hours of playing pitch and catch---for Glen
Disney movies which leads to Ashlynn singing all the songs

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