Thursday, May 1, 2014

5-1-2014 It's the First of May

Did you ever deliver May baskets in your childhood?  I remember dancing around a Maypole during the elementary years at the two-room country school.  

The day started with doctor appointments for each of us.  It was the normal, twice-a-year blood pressure check for each of us.  

The day ended with pick up and delivery of Ashlynn and Zade.  It was home after school, get Zade ready for soccer practice.  Darin came home in time drive Zade with Glen going with them.

I fed Ashlynn, got her in the appropriate swimwear for swim lessons.  We then met Darin, Zade and Glen in front of gym/swim pool just before lessons began.  Darin went with Ashlynn; we brought Zade with us.  Whew!  what a busy evening.

Zade requested chicken strips at Chic Filet'.  Then it was back to his house, and shower and 'jammy time.  Sarah got home from beauty shop just as Zade was getting out of shower. 

We are going to Poplar Bluff, our "old" hometown, from whence Glen retired, for dental appointments in the morning.  

By the way, it was 37 degrees this morning.  Yes, we had to turn the furnace on.  Saturday, though, will be in the 80's--finally. 

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