Friday, May 2, 2014

5-2-2014 Counting Our Blessings today

We were on the road by 8:30 this morning, traveling to Poplar Bluff Mo for dental appointments.  If our friend and dentist  ever moved his practice to the North Pole, we would follow him!  He is an awesome dentist.  I depend on him to keep me from ever needing "false teeth".  

Pat, the dentist' wife, and our good friend, was at the office.  She and I had a great visit while it was Glen's turn in the chair.  It was great to see you, Pat!  We are blessed to have these two wonderful people as friends for many years.

Forty-four years ago when Glen started the job from which he eventually retired, we moved to Poplar Bluff not knowing a soul.

A wonderful Christian lady, Jeanne, was the accountant.  She was Glen's mentor.  She was also a second grandmother to our two kids.  She sent birthday cards and get-well cards etc,  to the kids.  Jeanne is now a widow, living in an assisted living center, getting ready to sell her home.  

We visited with Jeanne for an hour after lunch.  We are blessed to have had this lady in and a part of our lives.

The rest of the day we spent with other great friends, Jim and Sandy and Tom and Donna.  Our children grew up together, we were poor together, we had many a meal together, we took trips together, we took care of each other's children, we took care of each other in times of sickness, we played many a game of charades or cards or OH! Spit!.  Now we compare grandchildren stories, exchange medical stories, and generally start the evening just where we left off--two months or four months ago.  We are blessed to have these people as friends for lo, these many years.  

It was great day, full of reminders of blessings.

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