Saturday, May 10, 2014

5-10-2014 S-O-C-C-C-C-E-R!

It has been several years since we sat on the sidelines of a soccer tourney! 

Thankfully, the rain was over before the first game.  Zade and the All-Star team lost 0-1.  Zade's team is fun to watch.  They have learned technique since the first of soccer season.  They don't bunch up like a cluster of grapes--at least most of the time.  They are learning to play position.  The fathers are on the sideline to remind their respective son just where they should be and what they should be doing!  LOL  

The tourney is located at Perryville MO, 30 miles north on I-55.  The first game ended at 10:00; the second game started 4:10.  The Hickey group drove back to Cape Girardeau for some rest time, then drove back to Perryville.

This Mimi enjoyed her nap!  I think the other half of the clan also got naps.

The second game ended in a tie.  It also was enjoyable.  The referees were two 14 (?)-year-old-girls with their boyfriends watching on the sideline.  They were much more interested in impressing the boyfriend than the game they were referee-ing.  

There are two more games tomorrow.  The first is at 9:15; and the second at 1:55.  We will just stay there between the games.  

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