Friday, May 9, 2014

5/9/2014 Rainy Day

The morning was spent with Glen undergoing some lab work.  Of course that always takes time!

This afternoon we watched the black, ominous clouds roll in to the west of us.  We watched the skies open and listened as the rain fell.  There was some big drops and a small amount of small hail.  There were some damaging winds around,  but not RIGHT here.  

It also rained through the night.  Total rainfall since midnight is 2.6 inches.  There are some recently planted corn fields between the park and town.  Just yesterday we commented that the "corn is coming up."  After all the rain, we commented "look how that corn has grown."  

Zade is playing soccer in an all-star tourney tomorrow with two games tomorrow and two games Sunday about 30 miles from here.  We will make the 10:00 game in the morning; we will decide about the 4:15 afternoon game.  The projected scattered thunderstorms may have an influence on our decision.  

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