Thursday, May 15, 2014

5/15/2014 May is Half-Gone

Guess what?  there was more rain today.

There was soccer practice scheduled for 5:30 this afternoon.  We picked up the kids at after- school-care about 4:15.  On the way home the sun disappeared, black clouds rolled in, thunder rumbled, and lightning strikes appeared.

There had been sunshine, beautiful sunshine all day, but it all disappeared.

Darin came home and verified that soccer practice has been cancelled.  

We enjoyed a couple of hours with the family, and came back to the motorhome. 

I like reporting to you that we are enjoying the new satellite receiver.  The picture is better (not HD, but brighter); the remote is user friendly.

We remembered the Farmer's Market this afternoon.  We didn't expect to find fresh strawberries because of all the rain, but there were two vendors offering s'berries.  They are delicious.

We bought two pulled-pork sandwiches from a food wagon.  More delicious-ish-ness for lunch.

A Mennonite family had several tables of baked goods.  There will be cinnamon rolls with the bowl of Cheerios!

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